please be informed /please inform...

2007-05-19 8:24 am
如想寫"茲通知閣下..."英文可用"please be informed" or "please inform"...

有咩website有書信or email (最好由淺入深) 的sample for 參考

回答 (2)

2007-05-19 8:38 am
please be informed 係被動語. 相反 please inform 係主動語. 被人通知就梗係被動啦.

2007-05-19 8:49 am
We would like to inform you that .......

Each expression has a particular ‘tone’ and this should be taken into consideration whenever you write. Being too direct to your superior, or being too polite to your subordinates can send the wrong signals, so it is important to think about the direction of communication when you write.

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