my BF's work in china

2007-05-19 7:45 am
My BF need to go to china.Around 2-3 days for every 2 weeks. Because of his job nature, he always need to go to sing k (i think those hv girls to sit with) , and do massage together with his customers and related parties.Indeed, I understand that is his job requirement..but everytime, when i know that he went to china again. i am unhappy for that but i didn't show my bad mood to him.

回答 (4)

2007-05-19 9:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
好多人問我: "乜你唔驚佢上面有女人咩?"
我會答 : "無得驚。"
真係無得驚,兩個人一開始拍拖嗰陣,大家一早有晒心理準備,對方唔會成日喺對方身邊,但有樣嘢係好重要嘅,就係"信任"。你初初同佢做朋友,你都信佢係一個好人啦 ! 否則都唔會發展落去呀。
講真,佢講乜你就要信ga啦! 如果佢要瞞住你去玩,你都情願佢一世呃住你啦!!
佢話 : "我派定心丸俾你囉!"

總之一句,唔駛咁緊張啦! 佢要變你都改變唔到ga啦,玩都唔一定要去大陸玩,香港搵個都得啦! 俾啲信心自己啦!
參考: 自己
2007-05-19 5:03 pm
Most prc girls love Hong Kong fellows just for money. If Hong Kong fellows play with those PRC girls just for sex which is better than falling into love with them.

PRC girls seldom fall in love with Hong Kong fellows without taking money into concern. If you BF is rich, it is more troublesome. if your BF play just for sex, you still have to blame becaue he is unloyal to you but better still than BF really wants to marry with PRC girl.

If latter, you better leave him and bless him for the goodness. But frankly speaking, unless your BF is rich and famous, PRC girls never be loyal to him for whole of life. That is the cultural difference between Hong Kong and PRC. I personally feel HK girls are much much better in thinking with Hong Kong men.

There is one big joke, an old man of 50 dating with a young lady say around 20, walking in streets at PRc, seems very normal.

But if they do so in Hong Kong, just like a father taking care of a daughter, everybody would look in strange ways. If they are real, that is good. But most such these couples even the men are young just money money in 1st place.
2007-05-19 8:40 am
男人 o既 o野 ... 你開心同唔開心 ... 只要男人想做. 他都會做 ...

尤其是飲酒後更加難控制自己 ... 這不是危言聳聽 ...

這是一個困局, 他不想; 你也無奈 ... 你可以做的. 就是自保... 不要通他傳染到性病和愛滋病 ...

至於貞操的問題 ~ 你唯有相信他吧 ~ 這樣, 大家都會開心一點 ~ 或者, 他會是真的為了你而守身 ~ 這樣的男人是很難得的 ~
參考: STK
2007-05-19 8:01 am
I think he respects you and he lets you know he goes to kareoke and massage.
Sometimes you can't think too much as most of the time you will think the negative side. Just relax yourself and tell him your feelings. Supporting for both of you is very important. Also, don't try to force him to change his job. He will change it once he feels not situable for him.

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