
2007-05-19 5:48 am

內容1此網頁: http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007051702449

內容2:Thanks.i will like you to go ahead and calculate the total cost of the item including the shipping cost via DHL 2-3 Days Delivery to my son in for is programmed in college and send me the information below for the transfer to be made fully Here is the Information Needed For Payment:
Full Name,Bank Name,Account Number,Bank Address,Swift code,However this is my Son Shipping address

回答 (7)

2007-05-19 6:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I also suggest you don't believe him/her.

I tried to sell a used computer before, an Africa people said he want to buy it by paying HK$15000, but what i was asking is only HK$5000. Who will believe this kind of tentative offer? Those guys try to be smart, but they are just really stupid!!!

I have investigated this kind of issue before. They will send you a fake bank transfer email to persuade you to send out the product. but I have confirmed it was a fault email directly from the bank hotline.

Once you send out your product, you can't receive the money but they will get your goods and resale it for profit.

So, be careful of this kind of buyers.
2007-05-26 1:45 am




2007-05-21 8:16 pm
don`t sell to him, it`s fake ga.
my sister sold a digital camera to a nigeria guy through internet 拍賣, and he send to my sister a payment e-mail, which is a fake one. My sister lost the digital camera at the end. Seriously, Nigeria people are poor people, they cheat on you and don`t pay you. So, don`t send him anything unless you really get the money in your account. NIGERIA PEOPLE ARE POOR COUNTRY PEOPLE
imagine their standard of living is so low, how can they afford such expensive items. So, don`t be stupid to send them anything
參考: my sister`s experience
2007-05-20 9:40 am
Hello seller,
Thanks for the mail and i will like to tell you that i am happy to hear from you so fast and i will like you to ahead and calculate the total cost of the item to my son address in westafrica for is programme in college including the shipping cost via ups and dont forget to send me your full bank infomation for the payment to be made fully to your bank account:

Full Name
Bank Name
Account Number
Swift code

However this is my Son Shipping address
Babson Alis
61 adelaja street mokola
Oyo State

2007-05-20 01:46:06 補充:
佢係用us既yahoo e-mail寄出的~太似了~都係話想買我個dv俾佢個仔好彩za!!! 我都唔該哂你a~避過左俾人厄~thx^^
參考: me!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-05-19 11:30 pm
小心騙子!他們經常在Yahoo or alibaba.com..拍賣網...進行騙人!有好幾個...小心!
2007-05-19 10:57 am
1. paypal
2. western union
用western union可信d, 因為用現金匯款, 依家係郵局都可以拎錢
詳情可打去郵局2921-2222 問
仲有一定唔好收money order, 因為money order係銀行手續費勁貴, 仲未必可以收到錢!
呀, 仲有, 我試過收cash, 叫佢用掛號registered airmail 現金比你
記住, 確定收到錢先寄貨!
2007-05-19 6:44 am
no, don't send the items to them... Nigeria is a bad country. They don't have money, they're going to send you all fake email for payment.

They always say is a gift for his son's birthday... a lot of excuses.

As a result, don't earn this money. Leave it...
參考: Self

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