2007-05-19 3:58 am
1. The cat licked ______ body with its tongue.
A. my B. your C. his D. its
4. I can't use this pen. ____nib is broken.
A. their B. our C. his D. its
8. My father gave me this bag for ____ birthday.
A. my B. her C. his D. its

回答 (2)

2007-05-19 4:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The cat licked its body with its tongue.

4. I can't use this pen. Its nib is broken.

8. My father gave me this bag for my birthday.

2007-05-18 21:39:01 補充:
1. 畫一件東西,如果畫得不像,不準確,那麼怎能在畫中表現出它的精蘊呢? D. 假設 1. 上高山、入深林、窮迴谿 A. 聯珠2. 然後知吾嚮之末始遊,遊於是始。 E. 借喻 3. 那麼叫夜鷹不要咳嗽。 C. 擬人
2007-05-21 3:31 am
1.The cat licked __its____ body with its tongue.

2.The players are putting on _their____ jerseys now .

3. You can't park _your___ car here. It is against the law.

4. I can't use this pen. _Its___nib is broken.

5. Kok Weng is crying. Somebody has stolen _his/her___bicycle .

6. We will have to continue the journey by train. __Our__ car has broken down.

7. She looked in the mirror and saw a cut on _her___ forehead.

8. My father gave me this bag for _my___ birthday

1. 畫一件東西,如果畫得不像,不準確,那麼怎能在畫中表現出它的精蘊呢?
A. 因果 B. 遞進 C. 並列 D. 假設 E. 轉折

2. 為適應社會需要,我們既要學好中文,也要學好外文。
A. 因果 B. 遞進 C. 並列 D. 假設 E.6 轉折

3. 貓這種動物,我們都能認清,但我們不可能人人都畫得像。
A. 因果 B. 遞進 C. 並列 D. 假設 E. 轉折

4. 阿寶因為努力學習,所以取得優良成續。
A. 因果 B. 遞進 C. 並列 D. 假設 E. 轉折

1. 上高山、入深林、窮迴谿
A. 聯珠 B. 排比 C. 擬人 D. 誇張 E. 借喻

2. 然後知吾嚮之末始遊,遊於是始。
A. 聯珠 B. 排比 C. 擬人 D. 誇張 E. 借喻

3. 那麼叫夜鷹不要咳嗽。
A. 聯珠 B. 排比 C. 擬人 D. 誇張 E. 借喻

參考: 我都報左2007年青年善用餘暇計劃

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