
2007-05-19 2:09 am

回答 (6)

2007-05-19 6:51 pm

Myself to went to the annual report to read some curricula to rise invalue oneself, hoped could join in the profession which the socialwelfare lay between, although did not have the work experience whichthe social welfare lay between
2007-05-19 3:50 am
Last year I completed some proprammes/courses related to enhance knowledge and skills of social welfare work . Although my academic attainments and work experience may not exactly meet your requirement, I am confident that my dedication to engage in the social welfare sector (and to work well ) qualify me for the aboe post .

Hope this helps !!

2007-05-18 21:31:33 補充:
Correction :proprammes ------- programmesaboe ----- above
2007-05-19 3:31 am
I enter for some course go the appreciation oneself on last year, the trade hoping to join in the social welfare and lie between, though there is no working experience that social welfare lies between
2007-05-19 2:58 am
Last year I enrolled in some courses to add value to our hope to join the referral of the social welfare sector, Although not referred to the social welfare work experience .
2007-05-19 2:46 am
I have studied some courses to rise in value of myself. I hope that I can participate in Social Welfare field, although I did not have the social welfare work experience so far.
2007-05-19 2:13 am
Last year I enrolled in some courses to add value to our hope to join the referral of the social welfare sector, Although not referred to the social welfare work experience
參考: Google

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