壞左 ipod nano個螢幕, what can I do?

2007-05-19 1:11 am
我唔小心make壞左 ipod nano個螢幕, what can I do?
如果我拿去repair, how much will it cost, where can I go?
我個 ipod nano係舊款,唔小心make裂左個螢幕,係inside裂。Now 有光 but see 唔到野。

And I want to ask about how are the new and the old ipod nano different?
How much are they cost? (and summarise about the new one.)


回答 (1)

2007-05-19 1:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你買左唔夠 7日, 可以試下向買既店舖換機

否則, 就要找去總行維修, 有可能要 300蚊以上 (此數字只作參考, 最好問 ipod 維修中心既人員)

而如果你部 ipod 只係螢光幕壞左, 入面的歌係無損壞既, 因此最好立即將 ipod 既歌入左自己部電腦, 只要留存左檔案, 稍後再入返就唔係問題.

* 無記錯最平既 ipod nana 2G 好似 $1200, 如果當維修要 $300, 咁維修會比較著數 (不過你有一段時間用唔到 lu, 因為維修可能要 2-3星期都未定), 否則, 如果要 $500 蚊以上, 或者買部新既好的 (p.s 好少 2手 ipod nano 買, 因此唔知 2手要幾多錢)
* 希望幫到你 ^^
參考: 自己

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