Starbucks Management Trainee

2007-05-18 10:46 pm
我想問Starbucks Management Trainee大約有幾多錢人工ar ? 有冇前途ar ? 做左Starbucks Management Trainee之後布係做d咩工作 ar ? 我正在考慮去唔去做test,請幫忙仕俾d意見..唔該哂!!!!!

回答 (1)

2007-05-25 2:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
it is $10K and with other subsidy too for a month. and career promotion is to be Assistant Manager. the training program lasts for 9-mth. it includes barista basic training, supervisory skills training and retail management training. actually it is time-packed to learn all the thing within 9mth. so be sure that u are tough enough.
for the test, i think no matter u want to add in or not. it is a good chance to have the test. this can be a practice on interview of your future real-like work.
參考: me - Starbucks' EMT

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