2007-05-18 4:02 pm
30min exam, graph and diagram can sent to [email protected]
Question 1
What are the principal features of the sticky-price monetary model of exchange rate determination?
Use this model as a framework for analysing the consequences of a monetary expansion.
Question 2
In the context of the IS-LM-BP model of an open economy, contrast the macroeconomic effects of a fiscal and a monetary expansion, assuming floating exchange rates and a low degree of international mobility of capital.

回答 (1)

2007-06-02 4:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
the principal features of the sticky-price monetary model of exchange rate determination?
Use this model as a framework for analysing the consequences of a monetary expansion.In the context of the IS-LM-BP model of an open economy, contrast the macroeconomic effects of a fiscal and a monetary expansion, assuming floating exchange rates and a low degree of international mobility of capital.

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