頭髮快d長 ! !

2007-05-18 2:20 pm

回答 (3)

2007-05-19 3:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實如果你想d頭髮快d長 只要你吸收多d鈣質ge野 例如 蛋 tomato malk 等等loo 都可以令d 頭髮快d長ga 但係如果你問成日梳d頭髮會5會快d長le 我可以答你係唔可以ga 因為有專業人士講過a
參考: 希望可以help到你la
2007-05-18 3:26 pm
2007-05-18 2:35 pm
You can message your head sometimes. But dont always wash your hair everyday or many times per day. Bcoz this is not healtly for the hair and if u always wash, the head skins become more oily if you dont wash for a day.

After you wash your hair always use the hairdryer dry the hair, better that dont colour it. Let it be natural. Then your hair will be healthy and grow more fast ar! : )

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