
2007-05-18 11:23 am

回答 (4)

2007-05-18 11:51 am
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Euthanasia is a very controversial topic. There are reasons to support either side of the debate on whether it's legitimate or morally righteous. Some people think that in euthanasia, in which injection of lethal drugs were given to the patients, no matter by a doctor or a nurse, is equivalent to committing murder. I cannot say that I agree this kind of saying.

參考: myself, I live in US
2007-05-18 10:28 pm
The euthanasia took a rich dispute topic, pro and con both sides bothhave its support the reason Some people thought the euthanasia (doctor or nurse) is the patientinjects the fatal drugs by the third party, this equates to the murderRegarding this view, I do not approve
2007-05-18 7:07 pm

As a controversial issue, euthanasia has drawn both support and opposition, and each camp has its reasons.
Some regards euthanasia as murder, as it is done by an injection of lethal drugs by a third party (doctor or nurse). I do not agree on this opinion.
2007-05-18 11:51 am
Euthanasia is a controversial issue that everyone has their own good reason to support.
Some believe that if a third party (a doctor or a nurse), who use ehthanasia act to terminate a life by way of drug injection, is in fact an act of murder, this I am not quite agreed with.

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