英文功課!!!! 救我呀....冇時間喇....

2007-05-18 9:41 am



回答 (2)

2007-05-18 10:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Remis the lion had a career in the security profession--as a guard lion for a Texas drug dealer. When the dealer was put in jail, he asked his son to take care of the lion. However, Remis was without food and water for several days, until he was rescued.

Yesterday, the recovering lion was delivered to the loving care of the Shambala Preserve. Perched on the edge of the Mojave Desert, the eighty-acre wildlife habitat has provided a haven for endangered exotic big cats since 1972. Currently, almost seventy animals live at Shambala, including African lions, Siberian and Bengal tigers, leopards, servals, mountain lions, bobcats, a lynx, and a Florida panther. Most of these animals were born in captivity and abandoned by circuses, zoos and private owners who could no longer care for them.

Often called the King of Beasts, the lion (Panthera leo) is the second largest member of the cat family. A large male lion measures from 2.7 to 3.0 meters, including the tufted tail, and stands more than one meter tall at the shoulders. He can weigh about 180 kilograms.

To donate and to learn more about Shambala Preserve, please visit www.shambala.org.

Note: Big cats includes lions and tigers. Small cats refer to leopards, cougars, panthers, bob cats etc. See http://www.shambala.org. You can adopt a lion!

I like lions and I am a Leo, so I don't want to write about lion escaping zoos and killing people. Hope this article works out fine.
2007-05-18 10:17 am
How comes so tight (緊迫) of the timing?!
Your assignment (任務) according to my knowledge:
Subject: The big cat pet (寵物)
In U.S.A., many families are keen on (熱愛) keeping (養) wild animals, for instance (例如), lion, tiger, leopard (美洲豹) and python (蟒蛇). They play and cuddle (擁抱) the lion regarding as (視為) a big cat.
As a matter of fact (事實上), the instinct of a lion is a hiding (隱藏的) danger with a considerable (巨大的) lethality (殺傷力). With the sharp claws (爪) and the huge (巨) teeth, nobody knows when it will attrack people. People get hurt severely (嚴重地) by their beloved (心愛的) playmates (玩伴) inevitably (無可避免地). Many tragedy (悲劇) happens while they still ignore (無知) it and bear (冒) the risk (險). Eventually (最後), their innocent (無知) costs (付上代價) their life.
Lion and all kinds of wild animals should belong to the jungle (森林) instead of us mankind (人類).

2007-05-18 02:21:00 補充:
P.S. 1. Total 106 words of the context (內文).P.S. 2. Americans always call lion as big cat.P.S. 3. The above content is based on lots of true story in newspaper.

2007-05-25 20:54:25 補充:
Unable to agree to last Note of You can adopt a lion. Not in the least! How can we adopt a wild animal? What a wrong value! How comes spreading such a weird concept? Who will take the responsibility if the lion owner is hurt or even killed? U Azuki?!

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