個LCD MON 攪到我好煩

2007-05-18 8:14 am

玩左冇幾日當我林住入game 玩d pc game 前~個mon 突然無左畫面

接著重生開個mon 就得1, 2 second 畫面 就渿黑一片la~~~~

拿去保養有冇問題 又用到~~~

接著拿番去home 玩左1,2個鍾又係1, 2 second 畫面 就渿黑一片

接著close左個LCD MON 又等左一 陣又用到but 一樣情況

What happen ~?????????

than you

回答 (5)

2007-05-18 8:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you have checked the LCD mon is ok, then you need to check the setting on the display card and the card itself. Try running it at a lower resolution first or try to connnect it to another mon. Check on the window =>control panel=>system to check the hardware and run the diagnostic program on the display.

Hope this will help. Usually the problem is in the setting. CHeck also to make sure the transformer is powerful enough to run your system.
2007-05-27 7:58 am
power supply problem or/and display card problem.

2007-05-27 10:52:35 補充:
HOPE YOU TRY THIS OUT.try to boot the Windows to SAFE MODE by F8 key andthen run it for 1 to 2 hours as you said it will off normallySEE IF ANYTHING HAPPENS !if EVERTHING OK then it is for sure problems with the Windows setting or drivers.

2007-05-27 10:53:59 補充:
THEN reinstall drivers, see if OK or notif NOT, then check if any OVERCLOCKING on display card.
2007-05-18 9:06 am
可能你部電腦的Display card, 所使用的驅動程式有問題~! 試下去別一台電腦, 下載Display card最新的驅動程式, 回來開機按鍵盤上的F8鍵, 入安全模式. 開到安全模式後, 把下載的新驅動程式安裝, 完成後Reboot一次. 應該會用得到~!
2007-05-18 8:25 am
2007-05-18 8:18 am

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