
2007-05-18 8:11 am




回答 (3)

2007-05-18 9:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Translation according to my knowledge:

Date .............
Dear Mr. Chan,

Warning of your working performance (表現)

Since your employment (受僱) from Feb 2007, you have been recorded totally eleven times being late in accordance with our attendance report within these recent three months.
Owing to your high violation (違犯) of our company ' s Customer Services Guidelines and Working Attendance Rules, hence, we are now writing the warning to you. We hope that you can earnestly (熱切地) make improvement for the sake of (為了) your own prospect (前途) and our company ' s benefit (利益).
Thanks for your attention!

Yours sincerely,
(Managing Director) or (Administration Dept.)

題外話:我公司都有個靚妹仔,每週例假(請病假)起碼一天(有時甚至兩天),佢啲野要部門同事頂。我冷眼旁觀,老細卻無動於衷,靚妹仔個位仍然穩如槃石,間中返下工。靚妹仔好神奇,間公司重茄厘! Unbelievable!
2007-05-18 11:06 pm




Mr. Chen:

Work performance unsatisfactory warning

Has been hired since this February, reported according torecently three month-long checking attendance that, you total have 11 time are late the record.

In view of the fact that your work performance seriously violates thecompany "the customer to serve the direction" and "the work checkingattendance rules", for this, the company 特函 security, looks you tobe able considers by own future and the company benefit, cuts adds theimprovement.
2007-05-18 9:33 am
Mr Chan:

Warning of Unsatisfactory Work Performance

Upon review of the your performance report of the past three months, we noticed that since your employment in February, you have 11 counts of tardiness.

Your work performance is seriously in violation of the "Customer Service Guideline" and "Employee Work Standard" set by our company. Thus we hereby issue this letter as a warning. We hope that you will take the well being of your future and that of the company into consideration, and do your best to remedy the situation.
參考: i issue these letters at work too!

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