Could I compete...?

2007-05-17 7:12 pm
on Pre-pre level if I only take the MITF test? Or do I have to take the free skate test to compete at Pre-pre? Thanks

If possible, please do not direct me to the USFSA web site. I have read what they have to say but I did not find anything that answers my question. Thank you.

回答 (5)

2007-05-18 2:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The reason you can't find an answer on the USFSA site is because they don't set the rules for EVERY competition. You have to read the entry form carefully before entering a competition.

Most non-qualifying USFSA competitions allow skaters to "skate up" a level. If you've never taken a MITF or FS test, most skaters compete in the "No Test" level. If you are a higher-level skater, you can "skate up" to Pre-Prel.

Just be aware that skaters who've passed Pre-Preliminary are working on the Preliminary test and their competition programs show that. It's not unusual to see an open Pre-Prel skater perform an axel jump or a camel spin. The question is: can you keep up with that competition?

Some competitions have introduced "Limited" categories that restrict No Test and Pre-Prel programs from including axels, double jumps, and camel or layback spins.

As for the Pre-Prel MITF question, that also varies from competition to competition. Some competitions allow a skater who's taken ONLY the Pre-Prel MITF test to compete at the No-Test and Pre-Prel levels in freestyle. Others REQUIRE the skater to compete at Pre-Prel level.

Again, you can 'Skate up'.
參考: This competition disregards MITF tests and offers "limited" events:
2007-05-18 10:12 pm
yes. just do it.
2007-05-18 8:18 am
Almost anybody can compete as long as you know how to move and stop. Try starting out in a Basic Skills competition. These range from little kids doing stops and turning backwards to more advanced people doing axels and doubles. For most of these, you don't even have to test MIF, in fact, there is almost no point to testing them at all except the satisfaction of completing them. No competition that I've been to absolutely requires that you pass a certain level, only that you haven't gone too high in your testing levels.

Hope this helps and good luck with you competitions!
2007-05-18 6:59 am
There are lots of competition you can find at your local rink. The easiest one should be recreational as long as you know stroking,snowplow stop, backward wiggles, forward and backward swizzles, one foot glide (Both left and right foot), then pretty much you can enter a competition. Good Luck
2007-05-18 4:04 am

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