如果只有登機和抵達時間, 可以計出兩地有時差的飛行時間嗎?

2007-05-18 7:54 am
如果只有登機和抵達時間, 可以計出兩地有時差的飛行時間嗎?

例如: 我在香港登機, 目的地是巴黎
但我只有登機是下午十一時三十五分, 抵達目的地的時間是當地上午六時半, 即是要飛行多少小時呢?

回答 (5)

2007-05-18 8:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes assuming you can look up the time zones of the locations.

Duration = Arrival Time - Departure Time + (Time zone of from-location - Time zone of to-location)

Your example:
Duration = [06:00] - [23:35] + (GMT+8 - GMT+1)
= 30:00 - 23:35 + 7:00
= 29:60 - 23:35 + 7:00
= 13:25

2007-05-18 12:05:17 補充:
Sorry, 睇錯時間.Should be Duration = [06:30] - [23:35] (GMT 8 - GMT 1)= 30:30 - 23:35 7:00 = 29:90 - 23:35 7:00= 13:55
2007-05-20 11:54 pm
參考: 飛機
2007-05-18 11:36 pm
Yes , if you hv the 時差 then u can 計出兩地有時差的飛行時間 , but if you don't hv the 時差 then u can't 計出兩地有時差的飛行時間 , 當飛行時間是55分 , then 時差是6:00 , but 當飛行時間是1:55分 , then 時差是5:00 , so it don't hv 一條公式計飛行時間總共是多少個小時.
2007-05-18 11:51 am
no, you question is that: one equcation but two unknowns. So can be solve uniquely.

Also, the flight time from A to B is different from B to A
2007-05-18 8:02 am

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