唔好笑我,「朗」口盅 eng 文係咩野呀?

2007-05-18 7:17 am
唔好笑我,「朗」口盅 eng 文係咩野呀?

回答 (5)

2007-05-18 7:36 am
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Well, I live in US, we called it tumbler.

The following link has picture of all the accessories that we use in a bathroom.
2007-05-18 8:48 pm
通常d人唔會話「朗」口盅,應該係brush our teeth
2007-05-18 7:24 am
你呢個字冇英文架,因為係英國好少人會用到,同佢地用口對去d 水到就得。

不過你可以用cup 或者mup 都得。
2007-05-18 7:22 am
wow that's interesting ... to me ... it's a mug - foreigners does not have a device with such specific usage, does they ?

other native speakers pls supplement !

i do want to know too !
2007-05-18 7:21 am
just a cup

2007-05-18 00:04:03 補充:
tumbler is a cupwe don't use a cup when we brush our teeth the cup is for holding the toothbrushesonlydifferent living habits

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