✔ 最佳答案
1. 點解要They HAVE BEEN bitten?
答 they were bitten by the dog裡面, 因為係 passive voice (被動,被狗咬,而唔係咬狗),所以用 bitten, 因為係過去發生,所以用were, 但係如果你想講一件剛過去,用passive voice, 而想強調已完成,先至用have been bitten
They were bitten by the dog, 他們被狗咬
They HAVE (just) BEEN bitten by the dog他們(剛剛)被狗咬完,我覺得有個just字意思上會似d, 不過兩句grammar都o岩
2. I didn’t do that 同 I haven’t done that 有咩分別
I didn't do that 係好specific指冇做一件事,例如
Susan: Did you took my wallet?
Tom: No! I didn't (do that)
I haven't done that 多數係講從未做過, 或者係講o係一個特定既period裡面(或者自從一個特定既日子)冇做過
I haven't tried Japanese food before. (從未食過日本野)
I haven't been to Japanese restaurant for 3 months (3個月冇食過日本野)
I haven't been to Japanese restaurant since the last time I went with Tom (自從上次同tom去完都冇食過日本野)
3. was she hurt badly 同 did she hurt badly 又有咩分別
Was she hurt badly 係o岩
Did she hurt badly 就唔係好o岩,差個object, did she hurt 係問佢有冇hurt到一d野, 果樣野係佢自己,所以應該係did she hurt herself badly?
相反,was she hurt果句,因為係passive voice, 轉番做非問句就係she was hurt (by someone/something), she 就係個subject,所以唔駛加herself,加左就錯
4. The taxi driver hasn’t been founded yet 點解唔可以話 the taxi driver wasn’t been founded?
咁have you seen my book anywhere 點解又唔可以講成 did you see my book anywhere?
hasn't been found 又係完成式(pass perfect)強調完成,即係想強調搵到未,但係如果唔用pass perfect而想用pass tense, 應該係 wasn"t (冇been), 而唔係wasn"t been,不過都唔通, the taxi driver wasn"t found係錯既,要等到搵到果時用就得:
The (missing) taxi driver was finally found by the police last night.
Have you seen 又係完成式, 強調有冇見過,而唔係有冇見到,不過did you see my book (唔加anywhere)係o岩既,不過意思變成 見唔見我本書,而唔係有冇見過...
5. I hadn’t even read the last passage by the time she warned us we had 5 minutes left 又點解唔可以將個hadn’t 轉做didn’t?
不可以,因為句野既意思又係想強調未完成一d野, hadn't read 係未睇完,如果用didn't read:
I didn’t even read the last passage by the time she warned us we had 5 minutes left
didn't read只可用黎強調冇睇(而唔係未睇)
Librarian: Why did you eat here (in the library)???
Student: Sorry, I didn't read the sign.
(這一句個read係present tense,而 hadn't read個read係perfect tense,讀音唔同)
6. past perfect tense
你要同其他tense compare下先會易明d
past: 講一d過去既野
I went to a bar last Friday (我星期五去了酒吧)
present perfect 講一d剛過去既野,強調現在係完成左既
I have finished the swimming course (我完成了游泳課)強調我宜家識游水
past perfect 講一d過去既野,強調在過去的一個moment已經係完成左
tom: I have finished the swimming course
john: well, congragulations, but for your information, I HAD FINISHED that course 2 years ago. (John想強調佢兩年前已經學識游水喇)
tom: well.....
比較簡單既句子而想用past perfect 可以用past perfect之後用 past tense, 例如樓上既例子, I HAD TAKEN a shower after I PLAYED with my dog. 好多教英文既書都係start with d咁既例句