
2007-05-18 6:56 am
B Ltd entered into a contract with A Ltd to purchase VGA cards for A.
I want to ask who is the buyer and the seller?
If there is an agent, who is this angent?

回答 (3)

2007-05-18 6:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
A is the seller.

B is the buyer.

There is no agent.
參考: me
2007-05-18 7:29 pm
B Ltd entered into a contract with A Ltd => B與A簽約
(B簽約以確定) to purchase VGA cards for A => 幫A買VGA cards
如果係 from A,A就係賣方,即由(from)A度買野
但呢句係 for A,為 A 買野,即幫 A 買野,所以 B 係 agent;A 係買方。

2007-05-24 16:31:55 補充:
2007-05-18 7:23 am
i think A is the buyer and B is the angent.

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