Where is the hotel?

2007-05-18 5:55 am

Where is the hotel?
為何答案係Between Lincoln Boulevard and Prince Drive
唔係On the corner of Prince Drive and Winter Street?

Where is the drugstore?
為何答案係on Lake Avenue
唔係 across from Lake Avenue?


回答 (1)

2007-05-18 6:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
hotel 係 between Lincold Boulevard & Prince Drive, 即係0係呢兩條街之間, 你睇下, 間hotel 係正正比呢兩條街夾住0既, 所以位置係呢兩條街之間。唔係on the corner of prince drive & winter street. 如果係on the corner of 呢兩條街, 即係0係呢兩條街0既角落, 咁應該係間銀行, 或是銀行上面果格(冇講明係咩果格, 淨綠色0既)
而drugstore 係 位於lake avenue

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