
2007-05-18 5:27 am

荷花的根莖種植在池塘或河流底部的淤泥上,而荷葉挺出水面。 在伸出水面幾厘米的花莖上長著花朵。荷花一般長到150厘米高,橫向擴展到3米。荷葉最大可達直徑60厘米。引人人注目的蓮花最大直徑可達20厘米。


回答 (2)

2007-05-18 3:57 pm
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Lotus is a perennial aquatic plants which belongs to Nymphaeaceae family and Nymphae Genus, also calls the waterlily. Lotus is native to China, usually plant in the water garden. It is the national flower of India.

The root-stock of lotus flower plants on the silt of the garden pond or the river bottom, and the lotus leaf stand a surface. Grow blossom in stretching out several stems few centimeters of surface . Lotus will grow to 150 centimeter tall and expands to 3 metres width. Lotus leaf may size to the 60 centimeters diameter, size of lotus flower may upto 20 centimeters diameter which always attracts everyone's attentions.

Lotus has many different cultivated varieties, colour range from snow white, yellow to pale red.
The stately lotus, Nelumbo, with stunning leaves and flowers standing high above the water, is one the most dramatic pond ornaments of all. It comes in all sizes -- you can grow it in a bowl or let it fill a natural pond.

There are only two species in Nelumbo, lutea of North America and nucifera of Asia, Eastern Europe and Australia. Though each species is stunning in its relative simplicity, hybrids range from single flowers to "thousand petals" and can be found in a rainbow of warm colors.
An aura of mystique surrounds the lotus, adding to its appeal. Legends and myths about it are woven through the history of civilization. It is important in many cultures, religions, and even agricultures. Tubers are staples in Asian diets, making it a valuable economic crop. Seeds and leaves are also edible.

The leaves are aerial, interestingly shaped and with remarkable properties of water shedding and self cleansing. Scientists study them in an effort to replicate those properties for a number of applications and products.

Seeds can remain viable for centuries. Growing plants from seed is fun and, under the right conditions, can go from seedling to bloom in as little as six months. Named varieties can only be grown from tuber.

Nelumbo has been moved from the waterlily family to one of its own, somehow fitting for this unique and beautiful aquatic plant.

more reading in English:

ps. 荷花的花苞叫菡萏,已開叫芙蕖,實為一種植物。
2007-05-19 5:44 am
名稱 : 荷花
別稱 : 荷、蓮、蓮花、芙蓉
學名 : Nelumbo nucifwra Gaertner
分佈 : 原產於中南半島,根據荷花的化石証據認為荷花原產於中國
分類 : 睡蓮科 ( Nymphaeaceae ),蓮屬
品種 : 品種繁多,有單瓣、重瓣,又有千瓣蓮、重臺蓮、並蒂蓮等
型態 : 多年生水生草本。由地下莖節上長生葉,柄甚長,葉呈圓楯形。
用途 : 蓮子具有滋補、益脾腎之功效、治腎虛、遺精、治月經過多
花期 : 於5~8月開淡紅色、白色等大形花朵,花軸伸出水面。果期是7~10月。
日照 : 性喜溫暖至高溫,日照需良好,在強光下生長發育快,開花早。
管理 : 生長期最適溫度為20—30℃,宜淺水,怕水淹和狂風吹襲。
施肥 : 栽培池栽或缸栽荷花,應施足基肥,有利根莖生長發育;生長初期水位不宜過深,隨著浮葉和立葉的生長,逐漸提高水位。秋末長藕期要求淺水;生長期不能摘葉或損傷葉片,否則影響種藕發育。荷葉要讓其自然枯黃;一般每隔2~3年重新栽植一次。
繁殖 : 繁殖常用分株和播種繁殖。分株,每年4月上旬將主藕或子藕挖出,進行分栽,種藕必須帶完整的頂芽,否則種後當年不開花。


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