Beijing 08 Olympic........urgent...(10marks)In english

2007-05-18 4:36 am
Introduction to Beijing Olympic Games including its history400 words in English)
Details about different kinds of games in Beijing Olympic, with its logo. (100 words for each game
Introduction to different dolls of Beijing Olympic, abut how they are designed. 100 words
What are the opinions of Mainland and Hong Kong people towards Beijing Olympic?
What can China earn from Beijing Olympic? Your own opinion can from mass media.

回答 (3)

2007-05-18 5:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can find your answers from the Beijing Olympic official site:

for example:
The project of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Image and Look aims at creating unique, complete and consistent visual images for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games through architectural development and integrated application and management of the image elements of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. The Olympic image elements are basic elements of the project of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Image and Look, which include the Olympic Symbol, Beijing Olympic Games emblem, its color system, theme slogan, secondary marks, mascots, Olympic Pictogram, core patterns and a set of photographic images. The Olympic Rings and the image elements of the Beijing Olympic Games, whose design has been completed, symbolize the Olympic Spirit and the concepts of this edition of the Olympic Games, and serve as the basis for the creation of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Image and Look. They are the carrier to showcase to the world the culture and tradition, as well as the city images and human spirit of China and Beijing. They constitute significant wealth of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

Image elements of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

The Olympic Symbol
The Olympic symbol consists of five interlaced rings of equal dimensions (the Olympic rings), used alone, in one or in five different colours, which are, from left to right, blue, yellow, black, green and red.

The Olympic Emblem
Every emblem of the Olympics tells a story. The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emblem "Chinese Seal, Dancing Beijing" is filled with Beijing's hospitality and hopes, and carries the city's commitment to the world.

The Slogan of the Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Games
"One World One Dream" fully reflects the essence and the universal values of the Olympic spirit -- Unity, Friendship, Progress, Harmony, Participation and Dream.
• The Colour System

The Chinese Red The Glaze Yellow The Chinese Scholar-tree Green

The Blue-and-White Porcelain Blue The Great Wall Grey The Jade White
• Secondary marks

Beijing Olympic Cultural Festival Symbol Environmental Symbol of Beijing Olympics -'Green Olympics' Volunteers Symbol of Beijing Olympics

• The Official Mascots of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
Like the Five Olympic Rings from which they draw their color and inspiration, Fuwa will serve as the Official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, carrying a message of friendship and peace -- and good wishes from China -- to children all over the world.
2008-11-13 8:56 am
You can find your answers from the Beijing Olympic official site:

for example:
2007-05-18 5:23 am
There are many many things in the internet ...

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