Romeo and Juliet (commemt)!!!!!!!!

2007-05-18 3:38 am
Romeo and Juliet 的commemt!!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2007-05-26 3:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Romeo and Juliet is a classic tragedy. The star-crossed lovers, were brought together by love and pull apart by fate. Romeo and Juliet, were borned in families that would not let them stay together, but because of love, they have have the courage to challenge their parents and fate. Yet, fate is joking with them. A little miscommunication led to Romeo's death, and both of them gave up their lives for true love.
2007-05-18 4:22 am
呢個係一個好經典的浪漫love story~~我相信在故事中佢地的經歷,想法,行為,際遇等等~~對好多好多人都有好深刻的影響~~我都相信好多女仔都好想有一段咁刻骨銘心的經歷~~起碼到有一日自己老左都有一個不悔的回憶~~唔會係愛情路上一?空白~雖然佢地的故事好慘~但有時候的我會覺得無論係開心定唔開心,甚至係好傷心都好la~~有發生過總好過白白咁過左一生~~

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