呢D字英文係咩? (關於足球) 2

2007-05-18 2:52 am
今季英超聯: (英文)
隊中主力射手: (英文)
緊急既情況下: (英文)
製造攻勢亦有引致入球: (英文)
爆炸力: (英文)
四強: (英文)
雖然今次重奪失落3年既聯賽: (英文)
歐洲足協最佳陣容: (英文)
英格蘭聯賽盃冠軍: (英文)
國際職業球員協會最佳青年球員 (FIFPro): (英文)
葡萄牙最佳運動員 (2006): (英文)
英格蘭球員先生: (英文)
分組賽: (英文)
作客: (英文)
教練: (英文)

回答 (3)

2007-05-18 3:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
今季英超聯: English Premier League this season

隊中主力射手: The main striker of the team
緊急既情況下: In emergency situations

製造攻勢亦有引致入球: Assist in attack and lead to a goal (策動攻勢潮流興叫 assist,概念來自美國NBA)

爆炸力: Run powerfully (外國人都係咁形容艾辛); blast through

四強: Last four; semi-finalists

雖然今次重奪失落3年既聯賽: Although this time it regains the league title for the first time in three years.......

歐洲足協最佳陣容: UEFA Team of the year

英格蘭聯賽盃冠軍: English League Cup Champion

國際職業球員協會最佳青年球員 (FIFPro): FIFPro Special Young Player of the Year

葡萄牙最佳運動員 (2006): Portuguese Sports Personality (2006)

英格蘭球員先生: English Footballer of the year; PFA Player's player of the year

分組賽: Group stage matches

作客: Away game

教練: Coach

2007-05-17 20:06:12 補充:
英格蘭球員先生有好多個,分別叫PFA Players' Player of the Year,PFA Fans' Player of the Year 及 Football Writers' Association Award。

2007-05-18 11:41:16 補充:
國際職業球員協會最佳青年球員其實有兩個獎,一個係由委員會選出,叫 Young Player of the Year (今年由美斯奪得),另一個由球迷選出,叫The Special Young Player of the Year (今年由C朗奪得),見問者問的有部份是關於C朗,所以我將國際職業球員協會最佳青年球員譯為The Special Young Player of the Year 。
2007-05-18 3:53 am
今季英超聯: in the Premier League this season
隊中主力射手: the main striker / the main source of goal
緊急既情況下: in emergency situations (冇全句譯完都未必合用架)
製造攻勢亦有引致入球: launch an attack and make a goal
爆炸力: acceleration
四強: semi-finalists
雖然今次重奪失落3年既聯賽: (英文)
歐洲足協最佳陣容: (英文)
英格蘭聯賽盃冠軍: (英文)
國際職業球員協會最佳青年球員 (FIFPro): FIFPro Young Player of the Year
葡萄牙最佳運動員 (2006): (估計) Outstanding Athlete of the Year 2006 in Portugal
英格蘭球員先生: Professional Footballers' Association Player of the Year
分組賽: group stage games
作客: play away at xxx (主場隊伍/球場)
教練: coach
2007-05-18 3:24 am
England Premier League is united in season : (English) main shooter in the team: (English) urgent already under the situation: (English) make the offensive and also cause the goal: (English) explosive force: (English) the top four: (English) takes and loses 3 already league matches again this time: (English) the European best battle array of football association: (English) English league matches cup champion: (English) international professional best young sportsmen of sportsman's association (FIFPro): (English) Portugal's best athlete (2006): (English) English sportsman gentleman: (English) match in group: (English) sojourn: (English) the coach: (English)
參考: Dr.eye

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