膠袋, 紙袋在那裡買?

2007-05-18 2:51 am
做緊生意的朋友, 請問你們的膠袋, 紙袋在那裡買(我想要一般時裝店的紙袋及荼餐聽包外賣比人的白色膠袋), 有送貨服務嗎?? 最小要買幾多先送貨, 有無些又平又靚的嗎?


回答 (5)

2007-05-18 3:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
你試下呢間睇下幫唔幫到你, 因我公司訂膠袋都係用呢間:

名: 大記膠袋公司
地址: 九龍旺基隆街26號地下
電話: 2392 3224 / 2392 0123
2007-05-18 8:22 am
我以前做時裝店時在上環蘇坑街, 永樂街, 文咸東街一帶找到有幾家類似的店, 他們的紙袋, 膠袋也很齊全 ~
參考: STK
2007-05-18 7:47 am
[email protected]
參考: [email protected] / 東沛實業公司
2007-05-18 6:10 am
2007-05-18 5:14 am
yes, i have... I also buy from some buyers, like 100 plastic bag and 50 paper bag, they're all for fashion bag.. good product and nice seller...... if you want to buy, you can send an email to me : [email protected] .. then i can ask him to call you for trading.
參考: self

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