✔ 最佳答案
-I don't know what he said 我唔知, 答唔到你. eg. 我不在場/他說法文我唔識聽.
- I don't understand what he said. 我唔明佢講乜.
-I don't grasp what he said 佢太高深/講太快, 我捉摸不到, 不能理解
- I can't comprehend what he said. 佢講得好有料, 字面聽得明, 但含意本人愚昧, 不能明白.
- I can't figure out what he said. 佢講D好似謎咁. 或電話好沙, 聽到幾個字又聽唔到, 估唔到佢乜.
- I didn't realize what he said. 我體會唔到, 他說的話另有他意. 比如佢講拜拜,跟著去自殺. 或對方說話兜圈, 要你猜度.
KNOW : 認識. 知道. 有時憑記憶或直覺, 不一定要思考的.
Do you know what time it is? I know she won't fail.
He knows how to cook. I know who that guy is!
Do you understand Japanese?
男人說 I don't understand women!!!
用於抽象概念:To take hold of intellectually.
I can't grasp the concept.
He has a good grasp of this subject.
充份理解, 領悟: To take in the meaning, nature, or importance of
經一番思考努力, 明白通透. 較多用於書寫
The philosopher comprehends the nature of life.
He did not comprehend how the death of his father will change his life.
FIGURE OUT 長時間思考, 恍然大悟. 想出解決辦法, 較多用於口語.
The monkey figured out how to open the lock.
Can you figure out this puzzle?
體會到, 近似恍然大悟, 終於明白.
-perceive (an idea or situation) mentally;
-To comprehend completely or correctly.
Eg. He realized that she is not going to marry him.
I didn't realize it was so late.
- Do you know how late it is? - It's 8 o'clock already. It's past dinner time already. 具體的
- Do you realize how late it is? - The sun is down already! 較不具體
- Do you know the answer? 已有知識, 知或不知
- Have you figured out the answer? 仍在解答.
其實, 有D情況可互通. 或口語上用, 無分得咁準 但有D情況用另一個字就會改變意思, 或是文法不對, 這兒有個大概, 希望幫到你.
另外, 有些字有其他不同含意, 但因不會引起混淆, 故在此略過. 要知,查字典就得.
參考: webster.com, freedictionary.coim