Love Songs for wedding, please suggest

2007-05-17 11:25 pm
I am now organising my wedding, what songs should be broadcast in the wedding? it is a western style wedding, cook tail.

Thank you!

回答 (3)

2007-05-17 11:58 pm
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Pls visit the follow website for the details information of wedding songs!!
I'm also organising my wedding too (on Nov)!!
2007-05-19 11:07 pm
1. Wedding Day - Bee Gees
2. When you tell me that you love me
3. Close to you
4. Dreaming of you
5. Truly madly deeply
6. Nothing gonna change my love for you - George Benson
7. When you say nothing at all
參考: songs used on my wedding banquet
2007-05-18 1:42 am
haha... I'm organising my wedding on Nov too, it's a lunch party... I think those disney songs are quite nice...

- A Whole New World
- Beauty and The Beast
- Can you feel the Love tonight

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