Form 5 / 6 Chem ~.~ Help!!

2007-05-17 5:27 pm
(1) 某勻相反應 2A→3B + 4C , 其 -∆[A] : ∆[B] : ∆[C] 為何?
∆t ∆t ∆t
A)4 : 3 : 2
B)6 : 4 : 3
C)2 : 3 : 4
D)3 : 4 : 6
(2) 請選出可導電的物質:
A) 汞 Hg(l)
B) 硅 (或稱為矽) Si(s)
C) 熔融氯化鈉NaCl(l)
D) 硫酸鉀水溶液
What are the answers ? why ?
And what is the meaning of 勻相反應 ?
硅 (或稱為矽) Si(s) 導電 or not ?

Thanks !

回答 (1)

2007-05-19 9:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1)C) every two units of A will be turn to 3 units of B and 4 units of C,
that is -V∆[A] : V∆[B] : V∆[C]=2:3:4 ,so 2:3:4

(2)全部. 矽導電,不過無金屬咁好,同唔符合歐姆定律

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