
2007-05-17 4:49 pm
4月初報告是cin1.排期廣華醫阮院8月初,於是再去健康院check,昨天報告是cin 3 (嚴重病變),今天帶新報告再去改期到5月底,想問一下陰道窺鏡是什麼?
可否詳細告訴我? 因為擔心死我.

回答 (2)

2007-05-17 6:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
在下唔係醫生, 都係網上搵料答你, 參考下則可, 實際情況都要問你的醫生.
內窺鏡是一個會轉彎的電視鏡頭, 用來觀察體內情況, 陰道窺鏡很簡便, 在婦科門診可做到, 不用麻醉, 10至20分鐘就好. 醫生即時可以診斷病變的位置和擴散程度, 而再等多少時間可做手術就視乎病變的程度和醫院的資源(多少人在排期), 所以有些人選擇私家醫院做, 不用排太耐.
CIN III 是癌症前的癥狀, 如果及時發現和處理, 是幾乎不可能演變癌症, 你依足醫生指示, 就無需太擔心啦.
CIN III 的處理通常是LEEP, 是用一個電線圈來切掉病變部位, 過程只需局部麻醉, 大約30分鐘, 手術後24小時內會有輕微抽痛, 數日內有陰道分泌. 手術成功率達九成.
之外也可以開刀, 或激光切除, 但這些手術會要住院.
之後只要繼續做柏氏抹片檢查, 肯定完全消除病變細胞就得啦.
Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (abbreviated "CIN") is a cervical condition caused by a sexually transmitted virus called the Human Papilloma Virus. CIN is also called Cervical Dysplasia. CIN is classified as I, II or III depending on its severity. It is considered a pre-cancerous abnormality, but not an actual cancer. The mildest form, CIN I, usually goes away on its own, although rarely it can progress to cancer. The more severe forms, CIN II and CIN III, most often stay the same or get worse with time. They can become a cancer, but almost never do if treated adequately.
Because CIN III is the most severe pre-cancerous change in the cervix, it is important to remove it as completely as possible. Removing the abnormal area with an electric wire loop, called LEEP, is the way most CIN III is treated. Occasionally it is necessary to do a procedure called a Conization, which involves the surgical removal of the abnormal tissue, or to use laser beam treatment. These procedures usually are done under anesthesia and require a short hospital stay. Frequent Pap tests, every 4 months for the 1st year and every 6 months for the 2nd year after treatment, are recommended to make sure the abnormality has been adequately treated.
2007-05-18 6:14 am



主 治:痔瘡、肺結核、惡性實體瘤、境界瘤等。



禁 忌:辛辣發物,高澱粉.糖和脂肪
參考: 太醫養生寶典-----三分治七分養

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