Height & Weight

2007-05-17 3:14 pm
Does anybody know there is a formula to calculate standard human body height and relevant weight. Thanks

回答 (2)

2007-05-19 7:14 am
$286 六日減去3-5磅/$202 六日護膚新體驗(男、女均可)
or msn:[email protected]
2007-05-17 3:48 pm
Calculation of standard weight ~
Male ~ (Height in cm - 100cm) = ? KG
? KG * 2.2 = ?? lbs
Female ~ (Height in cm - 120cm) = ? KG
? KG * 2.2 = ?? lbs

For example: Male 178cm tall
178cm - 100cm = 78KG
78KG * 2.2lbs = 171.6lbs

For example: Female 165cm tall
165cm - 120 cm = 45KG
45KG * 2.2lbs = 99lbs

2007-06-07 00:45:40 補充:
wow.... i just use this calculation, mine is 19.08. so is it too low or... whats the standard?

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 21:54:23
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