你覺得係街上識女仔0既男仔是花心鬼嗎?請男士作答 (20分)

2007-05-17 9:13 am

回答 (2)

2007-05-17 1:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
未必係壞人既, 但佢始終太直接, 係會嚇親人就真, 花心鬼在任何
地方識都有啦! 就算你朋友介紹俾你, 都有可能係衰人, 又唔好太
武斷, 下次遇到呢種情況, 你可以答佢: 你想同我做朋友, 好呀 ~
咁可唔可以攞個身份証睇睇先? 若然佢肯的話, 呢個多數係有誠
意, 因為壞人好多時, 好怕揭露自己真實資料, 當然佢俾你睇時, 你
問吓佢, 可唔可以抄抵? 若然佢問你做乜抄抵? 你可以話: 咁做朋友
都要知你幾時生日, 唔係點送生日禮物俾你呀! 如果呢個男仔, 好大
方, 好自然, 你話點都可以, 咁你可嘗試同佢傾吓電話, 或在電腦通
訊, 但千祈唔好太快同佢單獨去街, 要去街都約多一兩個朋友出來,
若然佢有車的話, 你更加要小心, 最好唔好單獨上佢既車, 咁樣係好
2007-05-17 9:46 am
The fact that you ask show that at least you have interest in him, otherwise you wouldn't bother right? "one type of rice feeds many kinds of people". He can be a 花心鬼 or he can be a nice guy, so happen to really like you and "bravely" take his chance.
Who knows, maybe he has his eyes on you for a while and that day he finally made the move. But then, it's equally probable that he can be a 花心鬼 spreading a huge net to get fish / fishes.

if you are young, YES, he is a 壞人, just forget it.
If you are mature enough, you can make the decision yourself
If you are mature but stupid, he is a 壞人, forget it. Just incase....

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