My son is 15 months and has started to scream a lot lately.?

2007-05-16 10:55 pm
He will scream if he is irritated or tired. I don't know how to get him to stop screaming. I usually either take him out of the situation, put him to bed (if he is tired) or ignore him.

回答 (5)

2007-05-16 11:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yours too???!!! My girl has started that too. We all just either give her the no-no face and use the stern voice or tell her no and walk away. I hope it ends soon!

If he is like my girl, this has nothing to do with teething or allergies or anything. It's temper. 15 m olds don't know how to pull back on the reigns yet and they are just letting it all go! My girl doesn't talk yet, so I'm sure that is part of her frustration. She uses some sign language, but sometimes I guess it just feels better to scream.
2007-05-16 11:19 pm
Aw so cute.. I ran a daycare for five years and as well my little ones did this too and my nice and nephews (16 of them).
He is discovering his voice on a different level now is what is going on. It is best to say..
"Indoor voice please" and show him by saying lalala..
And give him the words to use so he knows how to tell you what he needs.
Such as..OHh my indoor voice..lalala.. Are you sleepy honey..Or what ever the situation..Consistancy ( and keke ear plugs..jkjk)
Let him know that is an outdoor voice.. he will catch on..But just do it that way it works like a charm..
Soo cute
2007-05-17 12:51 am
It's very normal for a child at this age to scream, cos he cannot master a whole sentence to express himself yet. I used to hold mines gently stroke his back. If still doesn't work, give him a bath relax him, give him a warm bottle of milk believe me he'll fall sound asleep soon.
2007-05-17 12:44 am
go for a ride in the car
2007-05-16 11:16 pm
ignore him? don't ignore him. he's trying to tell you something. take him to the doc and the doc will tell you things about food allergies, inadequate sleep, stomach upset (check diapers). One thing for sure is that his teeth are coming in. if that's it, get him a bag of frozen peas or corn and let him chew on the frozen bag. baby's can be fussy, and God bless them all.
參考: self. parent of 3.

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