
2007-05-17 7:27 am
jetour or 金怡還是其他呢??

回答 (4)

2007-05-17 7:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
自由行最好.. 旅行社早起身兼帶你去一d未必值得去既地方..你睇下內地人或外國人來香港旅行d行程....除左山頂同ocean park 外...其他地方我都未聽過有香港人去.....自由行..唔係想像中咁難..會有很多驚喜...架!!! 我上年去西班牙..除街行..除街玩...交通不難..自由行一定ok架.
參考: my experince
2007-05-19 3:35 am

personally recomment跟Jetour
2007-05-17 8:44 pm
actually u can fly to madrid, spain and join either cosmos tour or trafalgar tour (both reputable international tour operators).
the tour (depends on duration) usually covers madrid, valencia, toledo, cordoba, alicante, seville, lisbon, oporto and fez, casablanca, rabat, tangier and marrakesh in morocco via gibraltar (on a ferry). the tour is approx. US$ 150 per head/day and cover some meals and all accommodation, transportation, some major sight seeings. however, for excursion e.g. flamingo dance will be on top. it's a very good experience to meet people from all around the world in different age and background and practise your oral english. the tour operators and drivers are well trained and experienced.
if you are under age 35, you may join contiki as they only accept young travellers.
you can ask travel agent i.e. westminster travel, american express or thomas cook as they should have the various brochures with the tour details and price.
it's far better than joining a hong kong travel agent operate tour as too rush and you may not see in-depth of the countries.
參考: i joined a spain/portugal/morocco tour with cosmos tour before.
2007-05-17 2:21 pm
其實係自己去會好d, 始終時間可以flexible d, 不過你最好首先plan 定個行程, 如果你去lisbon 的話, 我諗你唔多唔少都要識少少portuguese, 因為不是太多葡國人識講english (旅遊景點當然會好d la) 而你係lisbon 入面最重要係要識搭地鐡, 因為其火車站, 長途巴士站都係同地鐡連接的, 你可以去lisbon 周圍的城市玩完再坐火車到西班牙玩,

有關 portugal - spain 的火車
參考: 生活經驗

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