Account Prospect

2007-05-17 7:14 am
I have finished 2-yr IVE accounts, now studying in SPACE (high dip.)

After this, where can I carry on for my studying, of course depends on final results for high dip.

I want to know, if good it will be ? if not, how can I carry on for my accounts career?

With many thanks for your kind suggestion!!

回答 (3)

2007-05-17 7:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
The next step of u will be degree. There are many choice of this. eg Poly, Space, Curtin...... Highly recommend 1:Poly 2:Space. The fee around one hundred thousand for the whole course. Total time around 3-4 years. If yr result good, pls try poly first. If yr result bad, pls try Space. After that u need to complete the HKICPA examination to be a associate member.

For career, I suggest u find a position such as account clerk to get the experience. After 1 or 2 year, u can resign to find a senior account clerk. So u need to accommulate 2 year to promote to assistant accountant. At the same time of these 3-4 years u can study the evening course as the above. After u complete the degree, u can do the accountant position (at a small Company). However if u want to work at more higher position, U must be complete the HKICPA examination
2007-05-18 2:04 am
There is a top-up degree for you offered by University of Northampton. You will be admitted as an International Student as the top-up degree is on their UK campus.

For more information you can contact their HK agent, 2891 9339

The prospect in Accountantcy is very good demand are very high, as the market lacks the number of accounting graduates. Also the knowledge will help you in any field and in any position. Many top managements of listed companies are accountants.
2007-05-17 7:20 am
you can try either KCS or TRICOR. both are quite professional companies and yet they accept non-university graduate students. Let me know if you would like to learn more.

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