the differences of "effect" and "affect"

2007-05-17 6:53 am
the difference of those two terms?
example to illustrate would b great

回答 (3)

2007-05-17 8:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
”Affect is a verb meaning 'have an influence on'(affect是動詞,意為’影響’),如:Alcohol affects driver's concentration酒精能影響司機的注意力; The tax increases have affected us all加稅已經影響了我們大家。
Effect is a noun meaning 'result or influence'(effect是名詞,意為’效果’或’影響’:Alcohol has a very bad effect on drivers.酒精對司機的影響很大。
Effect is also a (formal) verb meaning 'accomplish'(effect這個詞還是個(文雅)的動詞,意為’完成’:They effected their escape in the middle of night他們半夜逃脫了。”

2007-05-17 12:59:03 補充:
2007-05-17 3:38 pm
一個係verb, 一個係noun,你話有咩分別?
2007-05-17 8:18 am
effect 係名詞, 效果 / 影響
affect 係動詞, 對..有影響

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