
2007-05-17 6:28 am
我是做account 的. 之前個客話會reply 我的, 但都差不多一個星期都未收到reply. 點樣寫email 問佢好.

我不是追數的. 其實我是收到client 錢, 唔知筆錢是找什麼, 因佢哋冇提供資料...


回答 (2)

2007-05-17 6:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
I suggest you write an email as follows:

Hi (or Dear XX),

I have got your money ($XXX) but could you tell me what is it for?

You can either drop me an email or call me at (telephone number).

(Your Name here)
(Position, Company Name)
2007-05-26 3:32 pm
Dear Mr/Ms xxxx,

I have received a payment from you on (date), but due to lack of data, I am not able to process your inquiry.
Please kindly contact me, either by phone or email, at your earliest convienient.

Thanks for your cooperation.

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