pie chart

2007-05-17 5:36 am
pie chart通常用係兵d野到?

回答 (2)

2007-05-18 2:00 am
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Pie chart 或許是商界和大眾媒介中最普遍的統計圖表,但卻很少用於科學或技術刊物. 它是世界上其中一種最廣泛批評的圖表,許多統計人員推薦pie chart用作比較同一個chart中的不同section, 或者比較數個chart的不同數據.
雖然pie chart 可以有效地顯示信息,但在某些情況下, bar chart (長條圖)或dot chart(點圖)比pie chart可能更有効, 例如, 如果pie chart中的其中一份slice分別佔25%和50%, bar chart跟dot chart會更容易突顯出數據的信息

Pie chart is perhaps the most ubiquitous statistical chart in the business world and the mass media, it is rarely used in scientific or technical publications. It is one of the most widely criticised charts, and many statisticians recommend to avoid its use altogether, pointing out in particular that it is difficult to compare different sections of a given pie chart, or to compare data across different pie charts. While pie charts can be an effective way of displaying information in some cases, in particular when the slices represent 25 or 50% of the data, in general, other plots such as the bar chart or the dot chart are more adapted for representing information.
參考: wikipedia 同 自己translate
2007-05-17 5:53 am
pie chart 通常用响要用圖解既地方,又或者係想令人容易d睇,唔洗睇咁多文字或內容,可能係俾d年齡較小既人睇,等佢地易明d,又或者做响個power point到,方便 presentation

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