中譯------ 英[20分]

2007-05-17 4:26 am

回答 (2)

2007-05-17 4:38 am
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Alarm clock is a type of clocks which is allowed to create noises on a set time. Its basic function is to awake the person who fall into sleep so well.However, alarm clocks could also be a reminder to the daily life.
The inventor for alarm clock~~~DA VINCI
DA VINCI is a famous name whom we have heard every time during art lesson about his creative achievement in the past. Da Vinci belived that it's a waste of time for those who sleep too much.Therefore, he invented an alarm clock.
The alarm clock were invented during the Da Vinci period, which were made up of water, water container, pans etc.
參考: Longman Translation Dictionary
2007-05-17 5:56 am
An alarm clock is a clock that makes noises at a preset time. Its basic function is to rouse someone who is sound asleep, but sometimes it is used as a reminder in your daily life.
Inventor: Leonardo Da Vinci
We have all heard of the stories of Leonardo Da Vinci, the great inventor. He regarded sleeping too much as a waste of our lives, so he invented the first alarm clock. The components of his alarm clock included water, buckets and pots/boilers. (由於唔知何謂「鍋子」,唯有咁等你揀啦;另外我估有多個呢d器皿,所以加左 s)

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