Will you still learn piano in your busy university life?

2007-05-17 3:44 am
Will you still learn piano in your busy university life?

How do you plan your time?

回答 (3)

2007-05-19 7:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
會!我Year 1還考了atcl。考完A-level每日朝九晚五練習,開學後,平時在大學練琴(連科大這所不太有藝術氣息的大學都有琴房借用,相信其他大學都可以借到琴房)。其他同學落pub吹水,我去練琴。有時又到Library借CD(科大的Library也有高質素的CD借,是否有點難以想像)。Year 2參加比賽,直到final year要常常在lab做final year project才被迫放棄。
參考: 自己的經驗
2007-05-19 8:10 am
I am not in professional but love music so much. While I was in university (long time ago), and even now in my working life, I have never given up my music instructment. In my experience, playing a music instructment could help balance your life. It is a good release when you over concentrated in your studies. Keeping it as a hobby in your life definately help you in your difficult time. So keep on learning. And you can try to discuss with your piano teacher on the frequency of lessons if need.

Music is a therapy, a good companion and full of joy and passions. You will find it work especially when you separate from somebody (hope it will not happen in your life; but most of the people will experience several times before finding the right one.).

Try to make time, duration and frequency is up to you. Exploring the facilities in university is a good way. There are music rooms (or rooms with piano) in most of the universities, maybe in hostels or activity buildings.
2007-05-18 4:19 pm
Learning an instrument always involve some sort of sacrifices. Time management is important, but you would definitely be giving up something in exchange for piano-time. So take a look at your daily life and weight your priorities, maybe you could find a little slot of time for piano. The thing is, it doesn't actually take hours and hours to practice (only boring people like me practice that much), rather, it's the consistency that gets you somewhere. So if you could only spare 20 minutes a day, then doing it consistently will definitely pay off.
Good luck!

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