斷頭台 -----------------------------

2007-05-17 3:39 am
How does a guillotine ( 斷頭台 ) work ? ( how does it kill people )

回答 (2)

2007-05-18 2:49 am
Antoine Louis (1723–1792), member of the Académie Chirurgicale, developed the concept put forward by Guillotin, and it was from his design that the first guillotine was built. The guillotine was first called louison or louisette, but the press preferred guillotine as it had a nicer ring to it. Antoine Louis (and perhaps others) introduced several improvements over the guillotine's ancestors, notably the characteristic angled blade and the lunette — the two-part circular collar that held the victim's head in place. On April 25, 1792, highwayman Nicolas J. Pelletier became the first person executed by guillotine.

The original German guillotines resembled the French Berger 1872 model but eventually evolved into more specialised machines largely built of metal with a much heavier blade enabling shorter uprights to be utilized. Accompanied by a more efficient blade recovery system and the eventual removal of the tilting board (or bascule) this allowed a quicker turn-around time between executions, the victim being decapitated either face up or down depending on how the executioner predicted they would react to the sight of the machine. Those deemed likely to struggle were backed up from behind a curtain to shield their view of the device.
2007-05-17 3:45 am



刀刃斜向的作用是使切斷的效果更佳。這個設計被盛傳是由法王路易十六親自設計,因此有人認為路易十六是死在自己設計的刑具上。然而,當時有一位法國醫生安東尼·路易 (Antoine Louis) 也有份參與建造斷頭台,有些人認為他才是提出斜向刀刃設計的人,因為這種事一般不會引起國王的注意。

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