
2007-05-17 3:04 am

回答 (3)

2007-05-17 6:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Those who raise the arguemet are really naive as the main point of the Bible is not about sex and violence. Sex and violence are mentioned to let us know the result of sin.

And actually, why is Bible related to the CU's newsletter issue. It's totally nonsense
2007-05-17 5:15 am
coz the students wanna tell all the ppl that their newspaper is alright, compare with the Bible. Fr their pt of view, talking about sex and related sex stuff is fine. However, it is just about different ppl have different pt of views. Very arguable.
2007-05-17 3:48 am
好似話係一本舊ge 聖經...so 唔得wor..

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