
2007-05-17 3:02 am

回答 (2)

2007-05-17 5:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Have you been to the website the guy made to complain about the Bible? If you have time, i suggest you to go there and take a look.
After visiting his creative website, i have the following comments.

1) He is a genius. He can create many things that he THINKS it's right, but there's no PROOF!
2) He thinks he is god. He thinks he understnads the Bible more than the scholars and God.

3) He didn't study the Bible. Why i know? Because people who really study the Bible will look at CONTEXT! But not just look at 1 or 2 verses individually. Studying the Bible takes a lot of time since you need to understand the historical background. I DIDN"T see he includes his study of historical background of the Bible in the website.

4)There are totally 66 books in the Bible. Not all the books were written in the same period of time. How can we understand one verse without looking at its historical background and the reasons why the writer said so?
Funny example (http://truthbible.net/biblehorror/bibleabsurdity/)
I really feel this guy is so FUNNY that he even ignores the words "禱告或是講道". These verses are saying that women need to 蒙著頭 when she prays or preaches, not all the time. Please, say something when you really understand it!!

5) "請留意,我不是要全盤否定基督教,我只是要提出証據否定「聖經無誤」。希望大家能以一個開放的態度來閱讀" <-- said by the one who made the website
Does he really know that when you reject the irreancy of the Bible, you reject the whole religion Christianity? He does NOT know about it. So....we understand that he is innocent in the knowledge of the Bible. If there's mistake in the Bible, God is not prefect and then why do we need to trsut Him?

Pray for these people who do not understand the Bible.
參考: The Bible and Me
2007-05-20 7:28 pm
make sense

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