
2007-05-17 2:11 am
what is the html for background music?

回答 (2)

2007-05-18 5:54 am
✔ 最佳答案

It is easy to do.
The HTML for background music is:
<bgsound src="(music file name)" loop="-1">
You can set the looping times, -1 is forever. This code must be placed in the head part, just like this:


The src target is not real, just an example.
You can insert the background sound formats are wav, mid, ram, ra, aif, aifc, au, snd. You can find them in Microsoft FrontPage.
Advice: Remember to choose the best answer, or your points will be deducted.

If you have more problems or you do not know how to solve, ask me.
And give bads to this self asking and answering user:
http://hk.knowledge. ?show=HA00005994
2007-05-19 9:03 pm
&lt;bgsound src=&quot;flie&quot;&gt;
//Use wav/mp3 will be better
If you want restart:
&lt;bgsound src=&quot;flie&quot; loop=次數&gt;
//If you want restart forever:
&lt;bgsound src=&quot;flie&quot; loop=-1&gt;
//If you want hide:
&lt;bgsound src=&quot;flie&quot; loop=次數 hide=ture&gt;
/If you want make the box bigger or smaller:
&lt;bgsound src=&quot;flie&quot; loop=次數 hight=123 Weight=456&gt;

2007-05-19 13:03:50 補充:

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