
2007-05-17 1:36 am
其實我唔知日本有乜特別地方去,只知有京都,大阪,神戶,東京,新宿,北海道,沖繩....但唔知呢地方有咩必去食玩買,我睇過日本地圖知有北陸,中部,中國,四國,九洲,東北咁呢D地方值唔值/應唔應該去呢又去几日呢?咁又應該由邊度開始遊日本好?由九洲-關西-東京-沖繩-北海道-HK or 由北海道--最后九洲?途中又要考慮到JR的運用+訂住宿,真係好難,所以好希望有好心人幫忙俾意見.仲有我應該睇/帶/參考邊本遊旅指南好?我己決定針對唔同地區都買一本,好似去北海道咁我會買--北海道終極食玩買,而關東--東京旅遊全攻略,咁仲有乜推介呢?多謝幫忙
plz reply to [email protected]

回答 (3)

2007-05-17 7:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Try your best to learn some Japanese before you go so that you can communicate with the local people.

The best time, in my opinion, is from Mid-September to November. You may have to go to Hokkaido first in order to avoid the typhoons in Honshu during September and October.

Spend at least one week in Hokkaido - Shiretoko Peninsular in the east and Ribun Island in the north is a must go. They are beautiful.

Spend about two weeks in Honshu Island, Yokohama is another must go where you can visit the Chinatown, museums etc. If the schedule suits, enjoy one of the JPOP concerts in Yokohama Arena.

When you are in Kansai, go to Tottori and visit one of the three wonders of Japan while you are on your way to Tottori.

Spend a couple of days in Shikoku if you can afford the time, although it's comparatively backward you can have good feelings of olden Japan.

Spend about a week in Kyushu to see the volcanoes, Mt Aso and Nagasaki are must go.

Youth hostel provides the cheapest accomodation. They are clean and renders you the opportunity to meet a lot of Japanese boys and girls, especially in September before the start of the university term. They are generally very helpful but you need to know some Japanese in order to communicate effectively with them.

I usually refer to a little book on railway timetable published monthly in Japan while I planned my journey. I remember it costs about 1500 yen and its available at the newsagent in Japan.

Enjoy yourself whilst planning.
參考: myself
2007-05-21 8:18 pm


但我自己去東京同大阪京都,都係靠一本書:自助旅遊手冊,係响公共圖書館借,如果您主力想睇名勝,呢本好啱晒,借本舊版d如03/04會容易d ,可以响網上book書添,(http://libcat.hkpl.gov.hk/webpac_cjk/wgbroker.exe?200705211159250140514+-access+top.all-materials-page+search+open+T+日本遊%23%23A:NONE%23GEQ:DATE:2003:%23%23)
參考: 本自由易討論區+自助旅遊手冊
2007-05-17 2:13 am
所有行程都安排好晒, 唔駛煩
因為自己去唔識講日文比較煩, 日本既JR又複雜
是乎你喜歡食, 買, 玩或睇風景

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