✔ 最佳答案
As I haven't seen you in so long, we miss you much. I hope everything is well with you.
I was informed that Mr. Yip will need to have an operation on his heart soon. I sincerely wish him a successful operation, and a smooth and speedy recovery.
(如果已經做左手術, 改第一句做 I was informed that Mr. Yip had had an operation on his heart recently.)
現在上海正準備2007年奧運會特別活動, 得到你們慷慨解襄及熱心資助我們這區之
Nowadays the city of Shanghai is preparing for the 2007 Olympic Games. You generous donations both monetary and spiritual in the related projects in our area, along with your interest in the charity work in this region specifically the welfare of the mentally challenged touches us all.
(建議改呢句, 就算原文都太長)
我代表此區再工多議你, 我們亦以你們為榮
I wish to sincerely thank you on behalf of our region, and to say that we are honored to be working for you.
(再工多議=再次多謝? 唔係直譯以 " 你們為榮 ", 因為話proud of 老闆好似好怪咁, 改左做 " 以能為你們工作為榮 " )
Last but not least, I hope to hear from you and to see you in Shanghai soon.
2007-05-16 17:21:35 補充:
好久不見及非常掛念你們,想你們一切安好As I haven't seen you in so long, I miss you much. I hope everything is well with you.