F.4 Biology

2007-05-16 9:10 pm
2.Some problems occur within the textbooks.
One says that blood cells cannot enter into capillary. But white blood cells can carry amoeboid movement accross the capillary wall to the infection site while red blood cell needs to enter the capillary to carry out gaseous exchange of oxygen, isn't it?
Another book also says that only one red blood cell can pass the capillary one time with single direction. Which book is true???

回答 (4)

2007-05-19 2:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is quite an interesting question. Whether RBC & WBC can pass through the blood capillary or not, depends on which type of the organs of the blood cap. is inv0lved. If in alveoli of the lungs the RBC can pass through the blood cap for gas exchange. However, in glomerulus of nephron located at kidney, neither RBC nor WBC has this ability to do so.
For you first question, the WBC passes through the blood cap by diapedesis (血球滲出 ; 血細胞滲出)This is because,a chemical called histamine released by WBC or called macrophage to cause the blood cap to dilate so that WBC can pass through them.
For you second question, I am not sure. Since in my knowledge, RBC can pass through the blood cap depends on which types are involved.
WBC = white blood cell, RBC = red blood cell, blood cap = blood capillary.
I hope you will find my writing helpful.

2013-10-06 10:16 am
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2007-05-17 12:20 am
it isn't that the red blood cells move into the capillaries but that gas exchange takes place there where red blood cells carry oxygen and exchanges it for carbon dioxide for disposal.
2007-05-16 9:21 pm
Another book also says that only one red blood cell can pass the capillary one time with single direction is right
因capillary直徑只夠一個blood cells 同時pass
blood cells can enter into capillary
and white blood cells can carry amoeboid movement accross the capillary wall to the infection site

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