想問一下連租約賣的樓盤應該叫高過市價, 定低過市價。因為好似初頭個agent叫我放租就話有租約賣價好啲, 而家就話有租約個價賣唔得高. 都唔知邊句真?!
回答 (5)
經紀的話不能信.有租約對用來投資的人(長揸)會比較好,價錢可能會高,因為買完物業立即有回報,不用經地產放租 經紀收佣金.用來自用人士,當然價錢不需太高或太低,因為有市價,可以叫銀行估價(不用錢)做比較.不要理會經紀,有些無良經紀害死人.我曾經是受害者,現在未脫離苦海.
propertied with lease got at least 3 difficults in selling-
1. customers do not know what have happened inside. broken taps? broken or jamed suite/toilets/.... not much confidence.
2. mortgage rate would be less favourable than selfuse one. as it is a leasing property, investment property, rate would be higher. and %of mortgage might not be the same as vacant property. becareful of this.
3.not easy to find buyers. no immediate consume is a problem unless he/she is an investor. but if he/she is investor, he/she would only buy at lower price to get a higher profit return. agree?
通常有租約會比市價略低,因為一來新買家無得睇樓, 二來銀行按揭會做得無咁好, 但agent 說你賣樓時會亂講.
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