2007-05-16 7:51 pm
什麼是 FOBBY ?

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2007-05-17 1:47 am
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1. fobby
originally from FOB, but has lost nearly all of it's negative connotation
refers to fashion and accessories and products from Eastern Asia
ie: Hello Kitty & Sanrio products
"Oh I LOVE my fobby eraser!"
That fobby notebook is sooo cute!
Where did you get those fobby socks!
"Get me some fobby gifts when you go back to Taiwan!"
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2. fobby
from the word Fob.some one who is "freshy off the boat." Usually refering to an asian person.
DANG you look like a fobby with all that hello kitty on
tags immagrant asian snobs rasist word none english speaker

3. fobby
derived from the word fob.
to act or express oneself as a fob.
To be entailed with asian cultures and/or language
Marie is very fobby today with her asian influenced clothing.
Her look was totally fobby with the tight jeans, t-shirt, halter top, and converses.
tags fob fobulous fobalicious fob-o-shizzle fobcake

4. fobby
adjective of FOB.
that guy is so fobby, when he goes the the bar, he wears thong slippers and tube socks.

5. fobby
Coming from the word fob, fobby is meant to describe an asian newcomer, usually from Thailand or Laos. Their style of dressing usually consists of ruffly shirts, tight, high-water jeans or funky colored sweatpants (purple, pink, lime, etc...), fake Calvin Klein apparel, and gold or silver spray-painted thong sandals or big black boots.
Her purple pants and green shirt is so fobby.
tags unmatched fake brand names 70's clashed with the 21st century new to fashion embarrasing

6. fobby
from the word fob, meaning "freash off the boat". It relates new migrants and there bad english, their pituclar fobby accent and their customs from their home country .
Fobs are known for their stingyness and there insistant haggling. They are aslo known for eating dogs.
typical asian fobby lingo
-i hurt my finger i need ambulang (ambulance).
-sa low down (slow down).
-two dolla bread very special for you.
-Eating dim sim wif a steam dumpling double soya sauce and a coconut drink.
-luv u long time.
tags fob fresh off the boat azn asian migrant

7. fobby
the snobby, nonchalant attitudes of certain groups of "Fresh Off Boat" ( fob ) people (new immigrants, usually from Asian countries). These newcomers to a country stick to their own cultural groups and usually stick their noses up at the cultures of their adopted country.
He is so fobby because he only hangs out with people from his own cultural group and do not attempt to learn the cultures of his adopted country

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