U.S. Economics 問題(1) - Globalization

2007-05-16 6:02 pm
Can someone help me to answer the following question? (please don't copy from wiki)
Please clearly describe what globalization of the economy is, according to economists.
Explain clearly why globalization has been increasing since the 1980s.
Give an example of how one specific type of U.S. owned company (with a specific product) could be involved in or affected by globalization and how this would affect its U.S. employees.

回答 (2)

2007-05-19 8:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Globalization of the economy is when different micro-economies all over the world merges into one single macro-economy.

The main reasons which globalization has been increasing since the 1980s are the common use of internet, lower cost in all different kinds of technologies (phones, computers, fax...)

Motorola- It is involved in globalization is because it sells products all over the world. It established many different subsidiaries in many different countries. Purchasing different parts from different countries and assembled in China. It is also affected by globlaization because Nokia a european company is entering in the U.S. market to take away market shares from Motorola which without globalization this will never happen.
2007-05-16 6:10 pm
it is beeacuse the system of the transportation was developing very well.
airplane become an general transportation, so people can easilt trade with others from other country

the fast food of mcdonal

do u live in us
參考: i am studying economic

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