"一些資料" 的英文怎說?

2007-05-16 9:19 am
"一些資料" 的英譯是否 "some information"? 但information是不可數的, 所以用"some" 會否不對?

回答 (10)

2007-05-16 9:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can use any of these:

- some information (this is grammatically correct)
- some materials
- some resources
- some references
2007-05-17 2:49 am
" 一 些 資 料 " 的 英 文

1 . some data

2 . some material

3 . some background

4 . some information

5 . some papers
2007-05-17 1:08 am
2007-05-16 9:19 pm
"一些資料" 的英文
some data
some material
some background
some information
some papers
2007-05-16 8:11 pm
It depends on the meaning of the WHOLE sentence. I believe it is better for you to tell us more clearly what you meant by 資料.

As I don't know what you meant by 資料, it is hard for me to give a more precise answer.

But if you are referring to facts and statistics used for reference or analysis (viz 資料), I believe 'data ' is a better word. Yet, if you are talking about facts or knowledge provided or learned, 'information' is your choice.

According to grammatical rules, some can be followed by uncountable and countable nouns alike.
2007-05-16 7:05 pm
"一些資料" 的英文怎說?

資料 是data.
Information 是消息 (亦可解做資料, 但非正宗)
Some data evidencing the message is true. 有資料確實此訊息是真的.
如用 Some information evidencing the message is true. 便變成不太肯定了.
參考: SELF
2007-05-16 12:30 pm
"some information" is correct.

Information is 不可數, so you can say "very little information", "too much information", but not "a few information".

However, "some" can be used for both 可數 and 不可數.
There are some birds on the tree.
Some days I just feel blue.
May I have some tea please?
Move back so he can get some air!

So, "some information" is perfectly correct.
2007-05-16 10:55 am
Some information係可用既
參考: studying in UK
2007-05-16 9:33 am
"Some information" 是對的, information 可作單數或眾數用.
2007-05-16 9:24 am
Some materials

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