
2007-05-16 9:00 am

為了讓這個bottle更似花籃,我用紙黏土在瓶的外面圍上一條條的東西, 讓他更似花籃的外型.


回答 (4)

2007-05-16 11:43 pm
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我沿著瓶口處每隔1cm,向下剪5cm,為了讓這個bottle更似花籃,我用紙黏土在瓶的外面圍上一條條的東西, 讓他更似花籃的外型.因為小時候曾看過媽媽用膠樽作為花籃,所以靈感由此啟發~

I along the bottle mouth place each 1cm, cut 5cm to under, In order to let this bottle resemble the basket of flowers, Iuse the paper clay to enclose a strip in bottle outside the thing,lets him resemble the basket of flowers the outlook Because in childhood once looked at mother to take the basket offlowers with the rubber back, therefore the inspiration from thisinspired ~
2007-05-17 1:10 am
2007-05-16 9:51 pm
I cut 5cm downwards through 1cm along every bottleneck place , for let the bottle like basket of flowers , with paper in wear pair of thingses outside the bottle clay I, make him like the appearance of the basket of more flowers. Because not as a child it see by mother by glue it regard as basket of flowers cup,inspire inspiration from this because of
參考: Dr.eye
2007-05-16 12:07 pm
I cut 5cm downwards, at 1cm intervals, along the mouth of the bottle.

To make the bottle looks more like a flower basket, I use paperclay to put strips around the outside of the bottle, to give it the shape of a basket.

As I had watched my mother used plastic bottles as flower baskets when I was a child, hence comes my inspiration.

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